Australian Travel & Tourism Network
Outback SA

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Outback Travel & Holidays Guide
South Australia

The outback contains 80% of the states area and less than 0.75% of its population. Whichever way you travel Port Augusta at the tip of the Spencer Gulf is the largest concentration of people you will see until Alice Springs or Roxby Downs. While this region may look baron and un-inviting at first glance, explore beneath the surface and you will find some wonderfully interesting experiences, that will enrich your life. The colours, characters and landscapes of this desolate country in the South Australian Outback, has inspired many a poet, artist or story teller.

While landscapes in the Outback can be stunning, please ensure you have made thorough preparations prior to any outback travel. Adequate provisions, rations and water and notifying rangers or police of your itineraries , can go a long way to a safe and enjoyable holiday in a somewhat hostile and untamed landscape of the Outback South Australia.

Photo is courtesy SATC

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Outback SA Information
This website developed and maintained by Australian Travel & Tourism Network Pty Limited for Australian Travel Service providers © last updated 12-Oct-2011