Australian Travel & Tourism Network
Bass Strait Islands

Bass Strait Islands
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Bass Strait Islands - King Island & Flinders Island

"Wild and Woolly - Calm and Peacful" are but a couple of classic ways to describe this beautiful remote region of the southern ocean, known as the Bass Strait Islands - Flinders Island and King Island, Tasmania.

The Bass Strait Islands, are located between Victoria and Tasmania and offer visitors a unique holiday experience , that cannot be duplicated anywhere else in Australia.

Known for their fauna and produce, the islands are what remains of a land bridge between the Australian mainland and Tasmania. Holidays in this region are generally on the quiet side, with a range of activities to suit everyone. Activities include game fishing, scuba diving, long walks, tasting local produce and fossicking for the Killiecrankie Diamond on Flinders Island.

Come enjoy the great tasting beef or dairy products , that King Island is famous the world over for. Or take in the magnificent views from the lighthouse - the tallest in the southern hemisphere. There are over 60 shipwrecks off King Island, which offer great diving. Dive tours and game fishing are available. Most people fly into King Island from Melbourne and fly into Flinders Island from Launceston in Tasmania.

So if you would like a relaxing away from it all style of escape - come enjoy the relaxing Bass Strait Islands.


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Strzeleckie National Park
How about a five hour walk to the Strzeleckie Peaks and enjoy the views
Wreck Diving
A real summer activity, due to water temperature - see some old wrecks
Game Fishing
A lot of excellent and large fish can be caught from the beaches and rocks
In designated areas search for the Killiecrankie Diamond - a topaz rock
Tasty Local Produce
Try the local beef and dairy products of King Island
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Warrumbungles National Park. NSW
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Queensland | New South Wales | Victoria | South Australia | Tasmania | Northern Territory | Western Australia | Australian Capital Territory Queensland. Australia QLD Brisbane, Queensland. Australia new south wales. australia. nsw Sydney, New South Wales. Australia Australian Capital Territory, Australia. ACT canberra, act. australia Victoria. Australia VIC Melbourne, Victoria. Australia tasmania . australia (TAS) hobart. tasmania.australia South Australia. Australia . SA Adelaide. South Australia. Australia Northern Territory. Australia NT Darwin. Northern Territory. Australia. NT Western Australia. Australia WA Perth. Western Australia. Australia | sydney | brisbane | melbourne | hobart | adelaide | canberra | perth | darwin

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