Having a carry on bag is actually more beneficial when travelling to Australia than you think! There are actually a couple of different carry on options that you have to pick from. You will need something to bring around for your trip there- from most countries, getting to Australia can be quite a long flight, and it only makes sense that you have a carry on bag on the plane with you so that you have all your necessities, for you and your loved one.
The other option is a carry on backpack, which can also be used for travel, but is moreso convenient for when you’re enjoying your vacation. It is absolutely irrational to have to keep going back to the place you’re staying to get the things you need for your next activity. It makes much more sense to have everything you need for the day with you in your carry on so that you’re able to utilize every single moment of the day.
Different countries have different electricity outlets, and if the plug for your appliance doesn’t fit into a socket, this could spell out disaster for you. Whether you need to charge your phone, use your laptop, or even dry your hair- the list goes on and on because we are using more and more electronics in our daily life. Having a universal adaptor puts that worry to rest because it means you get to charge anything you have, in any kind of electrical outlet.
There are a ton of things you can get into in regards to adventure and sport when it comes to Australia. So if you’re going to be trying any of the options available, you need to get yourself a good action camera. It makes it easy to record while you are knee deep in your experience, and it’s small, easy to carry, and easy to charge, and also has a ton of memory.

There’s nothing quite like a nasty bug bite to really ruin the way you feel on a vacation. In most areas in Australia, you do have to worry about mosquitoes. So it’s always a good idea to have a repellent handy to avoid getting bitten.
Whether it’s for the long flight there, or for the long hike that you’ll be taking, or even while walking around the city, it is never a bad idea to have your own water bottle handy. Besides the fact that it’s extremely convenient, it is also very environmentally conscious. By having your own water bottle you’re not buying a ton of plastic water bottles and you’re also keeping yourself hydrated.
You need to know when it is you’re visiting Australia so that you can carry the right kind of clothes with you. Winter and summer come at different times of the year than the rest of the world for Australia, so make sure that you get your facts right. You need to always keep it simple and easy though, so that you’re not unnecessarily carrying too much luggage. It’s always a good idea to pack for around a week, regardless of how long you plan to stay there. You can always have your laundry done and by doing this, you can save a lot of space and weight. Take the essentials for beach wear, sports wear, daytime clothes and evening wear. Take a pair of comfortable shoes, slippers, and a pair of dress shoes in case any kind of occasion arises.
By packing smart and taking all the right things with you, you’ll find that overpacking will become a thing of the past, and you’ll always be prepared for your next adventure in Australia without having to worry about whether you have something or not.