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How do you make money with social casino games?

Online casinos and gambling very much dislike social media. But we regularly see adverts for slots, one-armed bandits, and other games. How does this sort of thing work? For anyone who didn't know, welcome to the Social Casino genre. In brief, it is an analog of the usual slots; only you play not for real money but in-game currency.

Social casinos are similar to the usual casinos except for one detail. The user does not need to make a deposit to bet. It is enough to register and start playing, as, for example, on GambinoSlot. However, the budget of "phantoms" on which the game goes is limited. And here lies the basic model of monetization. You need to invest money to play the "free game" for a long time. It would help if you bought coins, game time, "energy," or anything else to get the coveted jackpot, which cannot be withdrawn.

What is social gaming, and how does it differ from online casinos

A social casino is a social media or smartphone application, or sometimes a standalone website where you can play slots, poker, roulette, and other gambling games.

The main difference between social and traditional casinos is that they are just for entertainment. You don't bet real money while playing and can't win it either. Nevertheless, it is still possible to get prizes in a social game. This can be additional spins, moves, and other bonuses.

Several distinctive features of this type of gamification can be distinguished:

  • there is no risk of losing money;
  • you can play online with friends;
  • the opportunity to improve skills;
  • can take part, and those users who, for various reasons, can not play in traditional casinos (age, religion, etc.);
  • legality.

One of the most essential functions of such gamification is socialization. You can socialize with friends, relatives, and people close to your interests during the game.

How social casinos work

These are the familiar slots, roulette, and lotteries - well, or any other familiar games. They don't require you to deposit entry. It's just entertainment for those who want fun and emotion. The closest analog is demo versions of online casino games.

Monetization, or How social casinos make money

The main revenue stream for social casinos is in-app purchases. This model is called pay-to-win or freemium. You can use the games for free, but the developers encourage you to pay real money for additional rewards and bonuses. This can include in-game currency, avatar jewelry, virtual gifts for friends, unlocking locked levels, and more.

Some games offer a feature to watch adverts for rewards. You can include a full-fledged video, or the app will periodically display banners and contextual ads.

The appeal of social casino

Social casino games allow for more and more interaction between players, and this has a growing popularity in our digital age. Players seek out both friends and rivals and develop strategies against each other. The social element is crucial here - one of the most sought-after aspects of modern online life. Internet users are gradually coming to realize that sometimes the World Wide Web can not only connect but also isolate.

Since social gamification is a method of interacting with other players, the leading lesson operators can learn from studying this phenomenon is this: players respond very positively to increased social engagement.

This is borne out by the popularity of live dealer games, where users can chat with other players and the dealer himself.

Because the stakes in social gaming are smaller than on proper online casino platforms, there are far fewer barriers to entry for new players. There's a greater chance that their interest will develop into a desire to try a game or two. While registering and making natural deposits within an online casino can deter new players, social gaming casinos provide their audience with an identical gaming experience without the same commitment. Social gaming could be used as a form of cross-selling to attract the social gaming audience to online casino platforms. In addition, social gaming also has some appeal in markets where online casinos are illegal. For example, in Australia, large iGaming operators offer modified versions of their online casinos (without withdrawal options) that mimic the experience of legal social casinos. This allows them to generate revenue legally.

Social gaming is one of the most widespread trends of recent years. Such games combine the excitement of a traditional casino and socializing with people close to you.

Both social and traditional casinos can offer a wide range of exciting products. If you want to play roulette or slots for real money, choosing a regular online casino is better. At the same time, social gaming can be a great leisure option for those who want to enjoy gambling but not risk money.

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