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Blue Mountains Nsw

Blue Mountains National Parks & Wildlife

Wollemi National Park

Situated 100 km north-west of Sydney, Wollemi is New South Wales' second largest park and contains the states largest wilderness area.
The park is a maze of narrow canyons and gorges cut through a region of steep basalt mountains covered with thick undisturbed rainforest. The extremely rugged terrain makes access difficult, although for the properly equipped and experienced bushwalker the park offers many rewards. Wilderness areas have pleniful fauna and have retained thier native habitat.
Bob Turners Track descends to the beaches on the Colo River in one of the states longest and most scenic gorges.
Other atractions include white water conoeing on the Colo, Wolgan, and Capertee Rivers and a glow worm filled railway tunnel near Newnes. Camping areas are at Newnes, Wheeney Creek or Dunns Swamp.

Blue Mountains National Park

This park features spectacular gorges which are the result of erosion caused by the Grose River and Glenbrook Creek through 600m of colorful sandstones, shales and coal measures. The park is covered with tall eucalyptus forests with many waterfalls and shady glens. Lookouts at Govettts Leap (Blackheath) and Echo Point (Katoomba) offer panoramic views and a camping area is provided at Euroka Clearing near Glenbrook
(bookings phone: 045 885 247).

Kanangra-Boyd National Park

Situated near the Jenolan Caves, 180 km west of Sydney Kangara-Boyd is a large wilderness region covering 68 276 ha.. Enormous cliffs, canyons and gorges, underdeveloped limestone caves, spectacular waterfalls and crystal clear streams combine to make a visit to this park a very worthwhile experience.
One of the main attractions are the Kanangara Walls, thesespectacular cliffs are an amazing sight as they glow red above the forested valleys with the late afternoon sun. Other attractions include Kanangara Falls, trout fishing, canoeing, bushwalking, and for the experienced, wilderness bushwalking to Mt Paralyser and the Kowmung River.
There is a basic camping area at Boyd Crossing.

Yengo National Park

90 km north-west of Sydney, Yengo is a wilderness area of steep gorges and rocky ridges. Access is very limited. Stunning views of the park can be seen from Finchley Lookout. Camping areas are at Finchley and Mogo.
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