Exclusive and Luxurious.
Very exclusive, very luxurious and very beautiful. In setting out to describe Bedarra you need a compendium of superlatives.
Most of the time you'll think you have the whole island to Yourself because there's only thirty-two guests in each of the two resorts tucked away at either end of the island. There's a fantastic variety of plant and animal life. Walking from one end of the island to the other, a good stroll of about 1.6 km (a mile) is particularly rewarding. Especially since no matter which resort you're staying in, you're always welcome to drop in at the other for drinks or lunch.
There's fishing, water sports, or go exploring in a small dinghy. If you feel the need for a little more activity, a motorised catamaran will take you to nearby Dunk Island, where you'll have extensive sporting facilities at your disposal. Take a trip to Beaver Cay and go snorkelling on the Reef.
How to get to Bedarra Island.
Access to Bedarra is via a 45 minute flight to Dunk Island and then by motor launch. If you're travelling by road, head for Mission Beach and then take a water taxi or small hovercraft to Dunk Island.
Telephone 61-7-360 2423.
Facsimile 61-7-360 2436